Monday, July 15, 2013

Weed War Part 2

     While I don't have photos to post right now I can tell you this.  Vinegar works well as a weed killer for certain weeds.  I find it has worked best with thistle when you spray it down the hole the roots came from but will not stop new growth if you just spray the leaves.  It works best on grass and small shallow rooted weeds.
     The boiling water trick is cumbersome and I have not found it to work all that well.  It could be that by the time I get my water outside, it is no longer boiling, just very hot and I do pour it from a distance to get the hard to reach plants.  Before I call it quits I will try it again and see how it does.
     When it comes to my garden I will stick with manual labor and vinegar but the rest of my yard I will do round up.  It pains me to spray it but I see results in a short amount of time and I know it is getting down to the roots.
     I will also give one last piece of advice: don't let your weeds go to seed.  If you give them that chance, you are already laying the groundwork for more weeds to clear next year, so get them while they are young or now before they all go to seed.
     Happy gardening everyone.  I hope to have garden photos up soon with my harvest totals so far.

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