First I want to introduce you all to a new member of my tomato family "Audrey." She is a super sauce tomato that is supposed to make great sauce tomatoes. The story behind her is that there are a bunch of us at work that enjoy gardening. There were several of us that wanted seeds for this plant, so instead of seeds, we all got plants. I chose her because most of my tomatoes at some point get a s shape in them.
Sorry it is tilted. But this is her the day I brought her home. A little droopy from the mail but otherwise looking ok.
Here she is in the garden (she went in a few days ago). She still needs the cage for support since she had a rough transition (she was hit by my dogs tail).
So now a little bit on how I got started.
Growing up my Dad had a garden and I remember enjoying the fresh food. We also had an apple tree, pear tree, a few cherry trees, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. After I went to college, I didn't have a garden. Once I got my own place, I started a single raised bed. I enjoyed the garden but had trouble with time and getting some things to grow. Then we moved to 2.3 acres that had an area that looked like it had been a garden (though it was full of grass and weeds).
Over the last 4 years I have spent ~$250 on wood, dirt, landscape fabric (more on that later) and little items like that. Now I have 9 beds (we will see how that goes) and a new passion for growing my own food. I also want to learn how to preserve what I harvest as well. I have 14 tomato plants and the super sauce is for sauce so that is something new I will be doing this year.
My resources are:
a blog I follow, and books:
The Backyard Homestead, Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Edited by Carleen Madigan
Let it Rot, The gardner's guide to composting By Stu Campbell
Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza
This is new for me this year, companion planting. Though I am not doing this well, it is helping to figure out what to plant where.
This is my garden plant for this year. What I do is take the plan I had from last year and look at crop rotation in The Backyard Homestead and the companion planting guide to figure out what should go what and what not to plant next to each other. Due to the fact that I have more tomatoes than fit in my designated tomato spot and areas that I had planned for flowers are now changed since I planted melons and they are doing well indoors (though they need to go out ASAP). So it is a fluid chart but it helps me keep things straight.
That is it for now, next edition will be by war on weeds.
Happy gardening!
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