Friday, April 5, 2013

After looking at all the seeds that I have planted (and the ones I haven't yet) I have decided to increase what I think my total pounds of food grown will be.  I will put it up to 50 pounds.

Below are some photos of the amazing ice storm of January 2012 and how it affected us and our landscape.  As I take photos of these areas now you will be able to see the difference.  Though we lost a lot of limbs, the grape and blueberries like having the extra sun!

 One of our rhodies encased in ice.  I love the look of the ice frozen in mid drip.

 The top of a mail box, you can see the ice glistening on top of the snow

 This tree didn't make it

 This tree branch is the reason we were without power for so long.  All the trees in the photo were either severely limbed or cut down to try to prevent this from happening again.

 The top of this plum type tree decided it wanted to be on our deck, we had the tree removed.

 More broken limbs

 This is me in the garden looking north.  These trees really took the brunt of it.
 Looking towards the house.

This tree did just fine.  The boughs that are touching the ground normally are the hight of the roof.  We did get the tree limbed to help keep the house safe.

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