Thursday, April 11, 2013

Well, it has been a few day since I have posted last but I got some work done this weekend getting my little starts into bigger pots.  I went to Home Depot and they were having a sale on fuchsia starts only 50 cents, and they are having a sale on early blooming plants (half off!)  I got my starts from a coworker and got them all potted up as well.

Fuchsia starts, the three varieties I have are rough silk, red shadows and deep purple.  As they start to bloom, I will post more photos.

This is the front shade garden with a new Hellebore Jacob to the left, I don't remember the plant I planted on the right, there are Hosta's in there too, I hope they come back.

My peas!

These are some of my melons (I have watermelon, cantelope and honeydew this year).  I have yet to successfully grow any of these so each year I try something new to see if it works.

One of my rhodies.

This is what I have for now, more updates later!

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